3. The first half of the course had videos ready just-in-time, while the last half reused the Coursera videos. How did the first half and second half of the course compare for you? ------------------ It was much better having the videos posted earlier in the second half. Although towards the end the work-load was still a little heavier because we had to watch more videos at a time to make up for lost classes. I think the second half was also better probably because I was more used to the class structure (online learning). Yes I did watch the videos earlier and the course material started to make more sense in the second half. It did not make any difference to me because I liked to watch the videos right before doing the quiz. Since the quizzes were posted pretty late most of the time, I watched the videos pretty late. The content of the videos from the first half was lighter (at least that is what I found) and so it was not a huge issue for me to watch them in a short period of time. However, even though the second half of the videos were posted ahead of time the semester really got busy at that point. Even though they were posted ahead of time the duration of the videos were a little hard to manage since I would work through the examples as the I watched the video. I watched the videos every Monday and Thursday and i watched all the uploaded videos. No, I continued to use the same strategy to go through the course material. In the cases where the videos were posted earlier I just watched them earlier in the day instead of after dinner or night class. The major difference was the pacing of the actual videos, the first half were much more to the point and focused better on the direct application of material while the reused ones were much more fluffy. This is probably because they were designed for a broader audience, but they could be condensed if the would class was going to be offered as a whole online to just engineering students. In the first half I was rushed for time. The second half I was able to watch them earlier. I think the pacing was improved in the second half. Sometimes I missed watching the videos on time, and did feel lost in class for a bit before catching up. I find that giving more time to watch the videos and complete the quizzes would have been helpful (eg. posting the videos about 5 days in advance and the quizzes a day or two in advance). However, the reused videos did not bother me once I knew that they were not designed for me (but it would have been nice to remake them on our level as some of them were slow explaining things). I felt the first half of the course seemed rushed to watch the videos and I didn't like that. The second half was a lot more relaxed and allowed for me to watch the videos more at my convenience. I did watch the videos earlier during the second half of the course. I was not rushed to watch all the videos compared to the first half because it was uploaded later than usual. Even when the videos were pre made, they still weren't uploaded soon enough for me. They could have been put up a day or two before lecture if they were prepared already. I found the two sections merged well together, but found the Coursera pre-made videos a little more cheesy and slow, based on the general public nature of that course. For me it was the same as it was before, as I watched the videos the night before the class for the reason stated above. My pacing didn't change too much for watching the videos. Continued to watch them before each quiz. second half of the course was a lot better for managing time, however the videos were longer in the second half which was frustrating since we had been accustomed to shorter videos. As well the videos in the second half were obviously not made for this class, which was kind of annoying to be listening to longer videos because you knew they were dumbed down. My strategy did not change, because I did not ever watch videos earlier than I had to. It is definitely more convenient to have the videos available earlier on, in case some people do want to get ahead. Probably no statistical difference. I tried to watch videos earlier during the second half, but a busier schedule with other classes often prevented getting ahead. Overall, I definitely felt that having more time with the videos up was beneficial. I felt very rushed during the first half. Like I mentioned earlier, I only went to the website when I had to watch the videos and do the quiz. Having videos up early made no difference to me. My strategy did not change. I did not watch the videos any earlier. I still watched the videos and did the quizzes the night/morning before. I did not notice any changes in the pacing during the second half. The first half of term had fewer term projects and group meetings which allowed for easily keeping up with content. I would much rather have the videos released two weeks ahead of schedule, to allow for planned absences such as job interviews. The pacing was good in the second half. - First half of the class was really stressful waiting for the videos and quizzes. I found the second half less stressful as I found the material a lot easier. The videos I found were still released pretty late. I liked when videos were already available because I had more freedom to watch them when I wanted, versus waiting for them to be posted later in the evening. Having the videos available more readily made it considerably more flexible for me to be able to work when I know I have the capacity to do so with less risk of having lectures published at a particularly stressful time. Since the quizzes were still released fairly late I did not change my viewing habits. The coursera videos definitely had a different tone and I somewhat missed the way in which the first half didn't dance around showing the math for fear of scaring people without as technical a background. I understand the need for the tone in the coursera videos but I preferred the tone in the first half of the course. I didnt find much difference Pacing was not necessarily improved in the second half of the course because the semester was busier due to assignments/tests/projects from other courses. Providing the videos earlier in the first half would have been more convenient since we had more time to manoeuvre. The second half was better for many reasons including the quality of the video, but also for providing us with more time and flexibility. The first half were shorter and a lot of easier to watch because of that however we were sometimes a little rushed to watch everything. However the second half felt like there were too many videos that needed being watched or the videos were a lot longer. The pacing was definitely improved in the second half. The just-in-time videos were incredibly annoying because at the start of the term, we had more time to watch the videos. So the fact that they were uploaded late was very annoying. Overall, I enjoyed the second half more because the pacing and the content was more enjoyable. Especially the DoE section. I liked the slow pacing of the reused videos, however, the end contents of the material was very challenging. It was similar to the first half because other course demands were also high forcing me to post pone watching the videos to a later date. The lengths of some of the videos seemed a bit extreme because we have to spend alot of time outside of class trying to learn the material on our own. The pacing of the second half improved.But they were much longer which I did not like.Most I had to wait for, before I did the quiz the night before the quiz was due which I also did not like. In my experience, the course pacing did not change even though the videos were available sooner. As the course progressed, however, I was able to adjust to the very different course format, and marks (quizzes, etc) were improved. However, this is getting used to the course format, not due to the change in video availability. Yes, definitely the pacing improved in the second half of the class. I started watching the videos ahead of time which was much more helpful especially the last two topics that were covered. They were new and needed some time to process them. I did not watched the videos earlier, but just in time before the quiz or class activities so it did not matter for me. Yes, as I had to work earlier on my DOE project, as I knew it would take me lot of time to run the experiments, I really enjoyed to have the videos early as possible. In fact, if I could have all at the same time, it would be great. I found the second half of the course MUCH less stressful than the first half. Considering that I had 3 night classes (Tuesday-Thursday) every week, it was incredibly stressful in the first half to manage the videos the night before class. The second half of the course was a lot easier to handle because I could watch the videos at any time and it made it easier for me to pace through them. You have access to the quiz submission times so you can probably see if it made a difference. I think I still watched the videos later at night and did the quizzes the night before they were due. Second half was way more enjoyable material to learn though. To be honest my strategy did not change as I typically watched the videos the night before only. Though if always available early it is likely I would have watched the videos earlier sometimes. Videos should be available ahead of time. The second half the video were a lot more content heavy, and a bit faster than the first half. I preferred the shorter videos, as I have a very short attention span, and often it is difficult for me to focus on content for a long period of time. I think a ideal length for the video should be about 7-8 minutes. First part was really hard for me since I did not have an access to internet in my home and I had to stay late in the university to download them. so, I could not do well on the quizzes at first part too. But by having them on time it was more comfortable and l was less stressful. For the first half of the course, I had to make sure to leave Monday and Thursday evenings free to watch videos and do quizzes. If the videos were released ahead of time, I made sure to watch them ahead of time; for example, I watched all the videos that were released during reading week. Later on, I found it was more convenient to watch the videos the evening prior so I could do the quiz right away. The first half was a little stressful because I always had to watch all the videos after night class on Thursday (10-1030 pm). When the videos were posted earlier I was able to watch them before night class and possible attempt the quiz, or I would only have the quiz left to do when I got home which was a lot less stressful. Yes. I did like being able to watch the videos at an earlier time due to night classes etc. With this being said, I tended to attempt the quizzes the night before instead of trying to in the morning before the class due to fatigue the night before (i.e. if there was a night class) To be honest, I did not watch the video a head of time, maybe earlier of the day but definitely not a day or two days ahead. I thought I will watch them earlier, but usually it won't happen because I am mainly at school, doing assignment and etc. I do not like to watch the video between gaps, because I like to sit down, print the slides, focus and go along the way with video. So actually there is not much change for me. I think it is more so that at the beginning we are getting used to the new style as well, so it is harder to adapt at the first few weeks, but afterward I am more comfortable and accepting the new style of learning as well. Pacing was definitely improved in the second half of the course. In the first half of the course, things felt too rushed (which was understandable). I did watch the videos earlier in the second half just because they were available earlier. Second half was much more user friendly as it allowed much more freedom to watch the videos when it was most convenient to me! That was the best feature of the videos and it was somewhat lost during the first half of the course. They were both good. It just got annoying when the videos came out so last minute, and having night class made it a pain to watch them and answer the quiz provided in the same night. Yes I appreciated having the videos ahead of time! I was able to schedule my time better and not have to continuously check the site to see if the videos were posted. I felt that the second half of the videos were much longer and slower paced. I preferred the first half videos. i believe i have answered the first half of the question about Just-in-time The second half of the course improved my pacing because sometime i would watch them on the weekend so second half did helped me manage my time more effectively than the Just-in-time ones. I liked the first half better. I felt like the second half wasn't at the level of hardness of the textbook. I didn't watch them earlier. By the second half of the course I got used to watching the videos under pressure of quiz deadline. Last half, the length of videos are long I liked the second half better because the videos were posted earlier and I wasn't rushed to watch them and finish the quiz before the deadline. Towards the end of the semester, I was very busy with final projects for other classes so I fell behind in watching the videos because I knew I could always go back and watch them later. I wanted to get the quizzes done earlier, in the first half of the course --- so the second half afforded me that ability. I kept with the same routine throughout, watching the videos the night before. I felt that the material was fresh and made it easier to complete the worksheet the next day in class. I normally watched the videos on the day of or the day before the online quiz was due. Although I found myself watching the videos a day or two earlier,especially on the weekends, for the second half of the course