Supplment for Coursera MOOC: Experimentation for Improvement

Create your own popcorn (experiments)

Factor A: cooking time seconds    Outcome \(y\) = amount of unburned popcorn made: ____

Making the most profit selling a product in a grocery store

Factor A: price $
Factor B: height above the ground     cm
   Outcome \(y\) = amount of profit made: $ ___ per hour

Response surface optimization for manufacturing a product

Factor P: price $ per part
Factor T: throughput   parts per hour
   Outcome \(y\) = amount of profit made: $ ____ per hour

Response surface optimization for coagulation of waste water

Factor D: dosage   (mg/L) typical values lie between 0 and 40
Factor P: pH   (dimensionless)      typical values lie between 4 and 8.5
Factor B: basicity   (scaled) values lie between 0 and 1
   Outcome \(y\) = residue concentration: ____ mg/L (with the aim to minimize it; a value of NaN indicates invalid operation)